
Feeding the homeless [Return to the top of the page]

InnVision the Way Home is the Silicon Valley's leading provider of housing and services for homeless families and individuals. In 2009, InnVision provided over 500,000 meals and over 195,000 nights of housing. The need in 2010 is even greater.

Members of Campbell UMC will be gathering at the Julian St (downtown San Jose) location to feed an evening meal to over 200 homeless. Contact the office to register and volunteer your services.

San Jose Peace Chorale Benefit Concert [Return to the top of the page]

SAN JOSE PEACE CHORALE BENEFIT CONCERT ~ The San Jose Peace Chorale will present a benefit concert for Next Door Solutions, an organization dedicated to helping Women and Children who are victims of domestic violence. The concert will be here at CUMC on Saturday, February 26th, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 at the door. The concert will include performances by the Rainbow Women's Chorus, Mission Valley Chorus, Peninsula Harmony and Menharmonics.

Introduction To The United Methodist Church [Return to the top of the page]

INTRODUCTION to the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1. We believe in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 2. We live by two kinds of holiness: Personal and Social 3. We follow three simple rules: Do no harm, Do good, Stay in love with God. 4. We work in four areas of focus: Developing leaders, Creating places for new people, Eliminating poverty, Improving health globally. If you want to find out more abut how we practice these beliefs as United Methodists, join the six-week Spring UMC 101 class starting on Sunday, March 6th, at 10:30 a.m. Call the church office at 408-378-3472 to register, or email Sue Foyle at to register. You should attend if you are looking for an update on recent Church developments, or exploring membership in the church, or you are new to United Methodism at Campbell and want to know more. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to practice Intentional Faith Development.

Marcia McFee Workshop [Return to the top of the page]

When: Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where: Los Gatos UMC

111 Church Street

Los Gatos, 95030

Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm

Why: The Eight Integrated Circuit Churches invite you to experience this amazing workshop locally with your worship teams and worshipers. Come explore how to enhance your church's worship with Dr. Marcia McFee, worship professor, consultant and Worship Director for General Conferences 2008 and 2012.

Marcia travels across the country teaching exciting and interactive workshops for local congregations that send teams home feeling inspired for their work and with resources and tools to make it happen-no matter the size of congregation or "style" of worship.

Learn how to use more sensory-rich communication and how to plan deeply meaningful worship without getting burned out.


  • No charge to members of the eight circuit UM churches: Campbell, Cambrian Park, Evergreen Hills, Almaden Hills, New Creation, Good Samaritan, Los Gatos, Willow Glen

  • $35.00 per person for outside church individuals, $100 for a team of 4 or more from one church

Lunch:suggested donation of $10

Registration is mandatory. Please pick up and complete the form from the church office.

United Worship [Return to the top of the page]

On the morning of the second Sunday in March, Worship services, Sunday School classes and all church activity usually held at Campbell UMC will be moving to Leigh High School. Over a 1,000 local United Methodists will hold a joint celebration of our beliefs and unity as Christians, with Bishop Brown as the guest preacher. Here's how this tremendous event came about and why you should plan to be there on March 13.

In June last year, the District Superintendent, Kristie Olah, invited the pastors and lay members of the seven local United Methodist churches, fondly known as the Integrated Circuit, to a retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. The mission of the retreat was to see if there were any common areas where the churches could collaborate and share their connectivity - this combined Worship was a result of that meeting.

Marcia McFee, the widely respected author, worship designer, professor, preacher and artist had been secured to lead the Saturday Workshop and assist in the Sunday Worship preparation. Marcia McFee has been the worship consultant for a number of United Methodist Annual Conferences including last year's Northern California/Nevada Annual Conference and the General Conference International Gathering in 2008.

Bishop Brown, the leader of the California Nevada conference will lead the preaching.

The final touches are now being added so the eight local United Methodist churches of the 'Integrated Circuit' can join in one Sunday worship. Much planning and effort have gone into this event and you are strongly encouraged to come together with fellow United Methodists to express our unity and connectivity as Christians and of course to be one of the Thousand Tongues To Sing!
Download the video for the Circuit worship service by right clicking on the following link. Circuit worship service video
Mac users need to use the "Flip4Mac" utilty which can be downloaded for free at VFlip4Mac for watching wmv videos on the Mac

ONE Celebration Worship service for all eight Circuit Churches:

(Almaden Hills, Cambrian Park, Campbell, Evergreen Valley, Good Samaritan, Los Gatos, New Creation, Willow Glen UMCs)

Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time: 10 AM

Location: Leigh High School

5210 Leigh Ave. (cnr Los Gatos Almaden Rd and Leigh Ave)

San Jose, CA 95124

CROP WALK AND SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK [Return to the top of the page]

Mark Your Calendars for the 34th Annual South Bay and Peninsula CROP Hunger Walk on Saturday, April 3rd. Funds raised for CROP Walk will fight hunger, both in our local area through supporting Second Harvest

Food Bank and Sacred Heart Community Service, and around the world with Church World Service.

The walk will start at Hoover Middle School, 1635 Park Avenue, in San Jose at 1:30 p.m. There will be one and five mile options. Our Bay Area organizers have set the goal to be the largest CROP Walk on the West Coast! Let's make sure CUMC can make this happen.

If you are interested in getting a group together for CROP Walk, contact the Missions Commission

(Charlie Slayman, 408-603-6276, to help with organizing and advertising within

CUMC. The group doesn't have to be limited to just CUMC members. Invite friends from outside the church. The

more, the merrier! Let's get some friendly competition going to see which group can raise the most donations.

There will also be an informational rally on Saturday, February 12th at Second Harvest Food Bank at 750

Curtner Avenue, from 12 to 1 p.m. if you want to learn more on your own.

A tour of the facility will take place at 1 p.m. There will be a separate service opportunity to sort food that

same morning, from 9 a.m. to noon. Check out and click on "How to Help" to sign up for

information on Second Harvest Food Bank.

We are looking for a donor to contribute $300 to have CUMC's name and logo added to the CROP Walk

T-shirt. Ask at work if your company is interested in sponsorship.

For more information on Church World Service, go to

And for more information on South Bay and Peninsula CROP Hunger Walk, go to