Contact information

1675 Winchester Boulevard

(just south of Hamilton)

Campbell, CA 95008

Phone: (408) 378-3472



Worship Services are Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:30 am and Quiet Communion is every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in the chapel.

See our calendar for our other activities.


The church began in the city of Campbell in 1888 in a building near Los Gatos Creek moved to its current site in 1935 with a simple building that is now the fellowship hall. Over the years an education building, Chapel and Sanctuary were added. The newest building is the AMY building (administration, music and youth). This church has a long history and a strong connection to the city and the west valley.


The United Methodist Church is a connectional church that lives beyond just this place. The local church connects to the larger church through our the general conference, the Cal-Nevada conference and to other local UMC churches through the district and circuit structures.

Campbell UMC is the local outpost for the work of the church that Jesus built.

Staff Members

Campbell UMC is blessed to have a number of talented staff members:

The Rev. Alan Jones, Pastor

Barbara Wade, Administrator of Church Business

Angelique Dawkins, Church Secretary

Mary Ann Gee, Organist

Ginny Johnson, Caregiver Coordinator

The Rev. Daniel Gbundema, Director, African Ministry

Mary E. B. Smith, Director, Bright Days Preschool

Donna Thomas, Nursery Caregiver

Hector Estrada, Custodian

Who we are

Is best described in our vision statement

Our Vision

People reaching out, with open minds, souls and hearts —

nourishing spirituality,

engaging creativity,

building social justice,

providing loving, welcoming community

— for Christ and the world.

Campbell UMC is a community of spiritual seekers who:

  • believe in the power of God's love and transformation,
  • use the Bible as a focus for meditation and prayer, and as a means to understand the significance of Jesus,
  • celebrate faith and life through diverse worship experiences and expressions,
  • enable people to experience God's presence through a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth,
  • actively engage the spiritual journey of the young.

Campbell UMC is a community of creative, imaginative people who:

  • are open to the movement of the creative Spirit of God in our midst,
  • affirm God's creative stirring in every person,
  • share in worship and other gatherings making use of diverse artistic expressions and gifts of the people,
  • creatively structure church life to further the new visions, and who
  • risk new ideas and trust in God's guidance.

Campbell UMC is a community of doers, with a commitment to:

  • engage and serve people in the world beyond the church walls.
  • help the church community to develop spiritual depth, and to learn the skills for living in a diverse world.
  • being an invitational, welcoming community where inclusiveness is a core value.
  • being Reconciling community, in which gay and lesbian persons and their families are actively welcomed.
  • reaching out with open minds and hearts to be proactive in building social justice.

Campbell UMC is a community united in celebrating diversity and affirming differences:

  • including all, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, physical or mental challenges or conditions, family status, or financial circumstances.,
  • caring for those with particular needs.
  • focusing on small groups,
  • making sure that everyone has a place of connection.
  • committed to decision-making that respects every person, is mindful of difference, and actively seeks to prepare for future generations.
  • providing welcoming and hospitable facilities.

Campbell UMC empowers disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world with love.