REGULAR SERVICES – Sunday: 10:00am
CHAPEL COMMUNION – Tuesday: 6:00pm
In this season, we are “making the road by walking” — following an invitation to walk together through the whole story of God’s hopes and dreams for creation, seen through the lens of the Christian tradition. Using the structure suggested by a recently-published book by Brian McLaren, we are going back to the beginning, trying to re-capture what Christianity looked like before it was a rich and powerful religion, before it had buildings and budgets and institution-sustaining agenda. We join a movement of progressive Christians all over the world who are seeking to re-make what it means to be the Church.
November titles:
November 2 - The Crooked Road to Freedom
November 9 - Rules for the Long Road: The Ten Commandments
November 16 - Allowing God to Grow Up
November 23 - The Great Conversation
Campbell United Methodist Church
1675 Winchester Blvd
(just south of Hamilton Ave)
Campbell, California 95008
(408) 378-3472
On Sunday, November 30th, our annual Alternative Gift Faire begins.
During Fellowship Time, decide what gifts you want, go to the cashier’s table for your gift cards and write one check to Campbell UMC. After November 30th, the gift cards will be in the office through December 24th.
Advent and Christmas Special Music at Campbell United Methodist Church
Click here for the schedule of concerts and special music events for this holiday season.A more compassionate and rational alternative to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014, allows you to give online to help and heal the world, and have your generosity extended through matching funds.
On Wednesday, December 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room, Campbell UMC will present its annual “State of the Church” report. As part of the Conference this year, we will vote on new officers. All Church Members are welcome and encouraged to attend! Come join the United Methodist Women on Thursday, December 4th, in the Fireside Room, as we journey to the manger to renew our faith in the hope, joy, and love of Christmas. All are welcome! General meeting at 9:30 a.m., with Refreshments at 10:30 a.m., and Program at 11:00 a.m.Tickets are being sold to the Holiday Peace Fair on December 6th for a donation of $2.00. Your donation will help buy food for the Stop Hunger project that will take place March 14th, 2015.